Friedemann will be joining the Collaborative Research Center as an associate member and long-term partner for their “Other Aesthetics” programme at the University of Tübingen for the winter semester 2024/25, and is thrilled to have the opportunity to contribute to this fascinating research project, which addresses the questions “Why does art move us? What do we mean by aesthetics? What does art do in and for our society?”
His participation will include teaching joint courses with Professor Annette Gerok-Reiter and Professor Anna Pawlak, respectively the Spokesperson and Deputy Spokesperson of the Center. He will also be involved in a workshop to develop and analyse movement sequences together with students and researchers from several disciplines.
“Écorché! Anatomy of Dance” - the performance that Friedemann gave and co-conceptualized with choreographer Thomas Lempertz and Professor Pawlak to launch the collaboration in March in the Alte Anatomie of the University of Tübingen is now available to watch on the website of the Centre.